個人情報保護方針Privacy Policy
プライバシーポリシーPrivacy Policy
株式会社エービーオーでは、個人情報に関する法令およびその他の規範を遵守し、お客様の大切な個人情報の保護に万全を尽くします。 A.B.O. Co.,Ltd. complies with laws and other regulations regarding personal information and takes all possible measures to protect the important personal information of our customers.
個人情報の収集についてCollection of Personal Information
- 当社へのお問い合わせ時
- 当社への修理依頼、校正サービスお申し込み時
We may collect personal information to the extent necessary in the following cases
- When you contact us
- When requesting repair or calibration services from us
個人情報の利用目的についてPurpose of Use of Personal Information
- お客様への連絡のため
- お客様からのお問い合せに対する回答のため
- お客様へのサービス提供のため
We may collect personal information to the extent necessary in the following cases
- To contact customers
- To respond to inquiries from customers
- To provide services to customers
個人情報の第三者への提供についてProvision of Personal Information to Third Parties
ただし、次の場合は除きます。- ご本人の同意がある場合
- 警察からの要請など、官公署からの要請の場合
- 法律の適用を受ける場合
We will not disclose or provide personal information obtained from customers to third parties.
However, the following cases are excluded- If you have the consent of the person in question
- In the case of a request from a government agency, such as a request from the police
- When the law applies
個人情報の開示、訂正等についてDisclosure and correction of personal information
We will certainly comply with your request for disclosure, correction, deletion, etc. of your own information.
個人情報保護に関するお問い合わせ先For inquiries regarding personal information protection, please contact
TEL. 044-952-1141 FAX. 044-965-2828
e-mail. info@abonet.co.jp
株式会社エービーオーTEL. +81-44-952-1141 FAX. +81-44-965-2828
e-mail. info@abonet.co.jp
A.B.O. Co.,Ltd.