私たちの強みOur Strengths
ご要望に “ベストマッチ”した専用計測器の提案・開発
Proposal and development of specialized measuring
instruments that "best match" your needs
We sell original A.B.O brand measuring instruments and design and develop custom measuring instruments for our customers.
Our products and technologies are used not only in Japan but also all over the world.
自社製品 A.B.O Product
エービーオーブランドで開発・製造・販売しているオリジナル計測器です。 This in an original measuring instruments developed, manufactured and sold under the A.B.O brand.
特注機器 Custom-made equipment
お客様専用の仕様で設計開発するカスタム計測器にも多くの実績があります。 We also have extensive experience in custom measuring instruments designed and developed to customer-specific specifications.
That is why we are chosen!
計測機器開発30年以上の経験 Instrumentation Development
More than 30 years of experienceもともと計測器の設計会社としてスタートし、この道一筋に歩んできた当社には様々なノウハウの蓄積があります。 Originally started as a design company for measuring instruments, we have accumulated a wealth of expertise in this field.
生産ライン専用計測器の開発 Development of dedicated measuring instruments for production lines
テレビ、オーディオなど特にA/V製品の生産工程の調整・検査において多くの実績があります。 We have a lot of experience in the adjustment and inspection of production processes, especially for A/V products such as TVs and audio equipment.
計測器に関わるすべてに一貫対応 Integrated support for all measuring instruments
お客様の仕様に合わせてハード&ソフト、機械装置、治具を一貫して開発。現地据付やサポートまでトータルサービスを提供します。 We consistently develop hardware & software, machinery and equipment, and jigs according to customer specifications. We provide total services including on-site installation and support.
高品質・スピーディに High quality and speed by a dedicated teamお客様のご要望に応じて専任チームが対応します。
高品質、スピーディなものづくりを行います。 A dedicated team is available to meet your needs. We provide high quality and speedy manufacturing.
We are a group of professionals who have cultivated our technical skills by responding
to a wide variety of challenges.